ACID vs BASE, relational prefer consistency and NoSQL DB prefer availability
It stores data in row & columns
MySQL, Oracle, SQLite
Each record has fixed schema, columns must be decides before data entry, can be altered but involves modifying whole database & going offline
It uses SQL Query
SQL are vertically scalable i.e. by increasing the higher memory, CPU of hardware, which can be very expensive
Most of SQLs are ACID compliant (Atomic, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
When you want to ensure ACID compliance & your data is structured & unchanging.
When to use:
when schema not likely to change much
when you want to ensure ACID compliance & your data is structured & unchanging
Reasons for SQL:
Structured data
Strict schema
Relational data
Need for complex joins
Clear patterns for scaling
More established: developers, community, code, tools, etc
Lookups by index are very fast
Reasons for NoSQL:
Semi-structured data
Dynamic or flexible schema
Non-relational data
No need for complex joins
Store many TB (or PB) of data
Very data intensive workload
Very high throughput for IOPS
Sample data well-suited for NoSQL:
Rapid ingest of clickstream and log data
Leaderboard or scoring data
Temporary data, such as a shopping cart
Frequently accessed ('hot') tables
Metadata/lookup tables
Here schemas are dynamic, columns can be added on the fly & each row doesn't have to be contain each columns
Here queries are focused on a collection of documents. It's also known as UNQL (Unstructured Query language)
These are horizontally scalable meaning we can add more servers easily. Lot of servers are distributed data servers also.
Most of NoSQL sacrifice ACID compliance for performance & scalability.
When storing large volume of data with rapid development with no structure fixed.
Cloud based computing & storage. They are designed to be scaled across multiple data servers
NoSQL: Common types
Key-Value stores: Redis, Voldemart, DynamoDB
Document databases(JSON, XML): MongoDB, CouchDB
Wide-Column database:
Column families
Best suited for analyzing large dataset
Cassendra, HBase
Graph Database:
Data is saved in graph structure with nodes(entities), properties & lines(Connection)
Neo4J, InfiniteGraph
When to choose NoSQL database
when schemas are dynamic
when storing large volume of data with rapid development with no structure fixed
when data needs to be stored across servers in different regions
Last updated
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